Sunday, May 2, 2010

O'Leno Thirty Five!

I am setting this blog up for those of us who choose to share photos and news about experiences we have together as UU's. Anyone who would like to participate please leave a comment asking to be added, and that way you can add photos and do posts on your own. Or just come and view and comment as you wish, it's your choice.

This will give us all a way to share photos and news with each other easily. (You will be able to pull photos and save on your computer or send to CVS to be printed very easily with this venue.) It also may help some of us newbies to learn everyone's name and who goes with which family. :-)

In that spirit if you could please label any photos you may post with folks names especially if the photo contains those whom are other than the very well known UUofJaxers like Carlos, RE Kelly, Sharon or the Huebners.

We just returned from the 35th annual O'Leno UU retreat and I have to say just one word for the experience my family had this weekend - AWESOME!!

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